The Village Hall
48 Queen Catherine Road
Steeple Claydon
MK18 2PY
View of The Cottage, Library and Village Hall Steeple Claydon - picture taken by Terry Levitt
To Book the Our Hall and Sports Pavilion
Please do use Booking Bug our on-line diary by clicking the button below. This shows when the hall is available or when it is booked out. It is booked out on a first come first served basis
View of inside the Village Hall - picture taken by Marie Cherry
For more photographs of the village hall click -> here
The Village Hall
48 Queen Catherine Road
Steeple Claydon
MK18 2PY
As of 01 October 2022 the following new prices come into effect.
Cost of Hire
£15 per hour for village residents.
Unless a repeat usage booking of a minimum of 6 sessions a year is made at £10 per hour.
The kitchen, toilets and the Bell Bar area are included in the hire fee.
Commercial hire is £25 per hour.
Non-village resident hire is £25 an hour.
Not for profit organisations can make an application for charity discount, price on application.
Payment Information
- Booking Bug will automatically generate you an invoice – you can then pay via;
- PayPal online
- Cash can be put into the Library post-box in an envelope - Please use your name and the event date as a booking reference
- Cheques made payable to ‘Steeple Claydon Parish Council’
- BACS: Barclays – Steeple Claydon Parish Council
- PayPal online
Sort code 20 57 40
Account number 40040487
Please use your name and the event date as a booking reference.
Useful Information.
Hall Area
- Width 7.6m
- Length 13.2m
- Hight - beams are high and can fit a bouncy castle in easily
Stage Area
- Width 4.9m
- Depth 3.2m
Hall capacity
100 seated / 120 standing
Hall available
08.00 - 23.00
What we can provide
- Mixed cutlery and crockery
- Oven
- Fridge
- Microwave
- Chairs x 100
- Tables
- 16 x 6ft trestle
- 2 x 3ft ft trestle
- Bar area
- Under counter shelving
- Small under counter domestic fridge.
- The Hall is a Gread II Listed building please do not use the below anywhere on site
- Staples
- Pins
- Sellotape
- Double-sided sticky tape
- You can use blu-tack
- Cleaning cupboard located in the kitchen.
- Recycling is available in one bin in the kitchen and is clearly marked up as such – other
mobile bins in the hall and kitchen are for your use – large bins outside to empty into
Terms and Conditions of Hire
Please click here to read the terms and conditions, press the 'Accept' button below to view the calendar of bookings for the Hall
By proceeding to the on-line diary booking section you are agreeing to accept the Terms and Conditions for Hire of Steeple Claydon Village Hall.
For more photographs of the village hall click here
To contact Sam our Caretaker please email her on
Or Mobile 07507193623 if urgent
Sports Pavilion address
Off North End Road car park,
North End Road
Steeple Claydon
MK18 2GN
Parish assets update;
- Review by listed building officer done in 2018
- Repainting (internal) December 2018
- Heating upgrades 2018
- Repainting (external) August 2019
- Kitchen upgrade - March 2022
- Heating upgrades October 2022
- Crest re-painted September 2022